And welcome to my new blog! Yesh, I am the guy also known as Luciferal, but as years have passed I have felt less and less like Luciferal and more and more like Haltijakäpälä, so I decided to switch my name. I hope it is not too confusing to anyone~
But yush, here you'll find my doodles and sketches and paintings and whatnot. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask, in the comments or straight by email: haltijakapala [ä]
...And after my spring of slaving over my graphic novel (still not done, I assure you all), I decided to draw something else for a change:
I'm trying really hard to get this darling ready in time for me to make prints of it to sell at
PS. I also decided to keep my old blog as it is, so if you're interested in history, feel free to explore (only in Finnish though):
PPS. There's also old art of mine to be found on the 'Old Art' -page