Sunday 28 April 2024

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Page 91!

 Kire arrives at the scene at long last! I feel like I've teased this particular character for so damn long... And I will keep at it, because you have to read the page to see them!

Read the page in Tapas or Webtoons!

Well, Kirerune is the first new character in a long time in my comic <:D I do feel a bit bad for Kire because they arrive at the tail end of the very important (tm) popularity poll and thus probably won't get any vote :'''( But who knows! You can make a change by voting 😄

Thursday 11 April 2024

Back in Business!


April often ends up being a really busy month for me, so I haven't really had the time to draw Avarnight in the past few weeks :( But yesterdayme and Apustaja made good progress with the next page! Hopefully it will be done next week, but I can't make any promises yet ;;;;;

ps. vote in the popularity poll! xD

Sunday 7 April 2024

The official Kauhucon post

 Day one of Kauhucon is over and done with, but worry not! We still have day two left today :D Starting in a couple of hours (12.00 to be exact!)

 We're at Rikhardinkatu Library in Helsinki, and the event is of course free entry UwU And will be open until 18.00 today!

Wednesday 3 April 2024



Page 90!! And this was probably the quickest page I've drawn in ages, and I still didn't feel like I was rushing it or anything, just drawing as I usually do UwU

Read it Tapas or Webtoons as usual!

 I'm super hyped for this comic as I got some very nice reviews for the first album in both Tähtivaeltaja and Sarjainfo (both magazines I've got huge respect for too ;;0;;), so I feel like this whole thing I've been toiling away for for five years might actually be something : ' D So thank you all who're reading this and I hope I manage to keep the story interesting for the next 90 pages too!


ps. The popularity poll is still on, too!