Saturday, 17 August 2013

New stuff

  I finally dared to paint again after a really long time, and now I remember why I haven't painted properly for so long. It's so stressful...
 But yah, here's a sneaky peek of my new painting, which I'm trying to finish in time for Tracon~

 And speaking of Tracon, me Teriame and Pihlajatar will be situated in table number 14! Everyone is cordially invited to come and say hi to us~

Saturday, 10 August 2013


 Just making some character cheat sheets for reference while drawing (everyone needs more than one outfit after all~). I know it is dreadfully elaborate, but I need it to be to be happy... So please give me time with this graphic novel, I want it to be perfect

(And I still can't believe I haven't formally introduced this one in my graphic novelities, it feels like it's been so long already...)