Monday, 25 May 2015

Artists' Alley!

 Me and my partner in crime, the lovely Pihlajatar, got a table at the Artists' Alley of Desucon! We will share a table on Sunday the 7th, from 9 am to 4 pm (different artists each day)

  Look at all these stickers~

 And new prints too, Laughter here is a small print

  If someone sees something they definitely know they want, feel absolutely free to contact me at haltijakapala [å] or my askbox in tumblr, for it will make my alley preparations easier!

 There will be more stuff coming up, soon~

Monday, 11 May 2015


Trying to redesign Nargwhanal, one of the main characters in That Comic I Used to Draw. A sickly little princeling of the Shindran realm, prone to dizzy spells, bruising for no apparent reason and pains that keep one bedridden for many spans. In the barren, black wasteland that is their realm, such physical weaknesses are not a desirable traits in a direct descendant of the pact with Living Darkness.

Also Nargwhanal is a completely and desperately undrawable bastard. No matter what I do, it never comes out right :’> Plus I need better paper for painting

Saturday, 9 May 2015


I like to take a lot of pictures of trees, and I though I’d share them. I mostly post them on Instagram for some reason, I use the exact same name I do everywhere else xD

 Also I am struggling with getting reacquainted with nibs and the fine art of inking with them. When and if I start resurrecting my comic again, it will happen with these bastards. Definitely. And it will hurt

plus a bonus pictuar of my (unfinished) inspiration wall ;>