Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Orgollyn - an art-trade

I was granted an auspicious boon by the amazing artist Mournful Wizard, an art-trade! Me, with such an incredible artist! I am as much overjoyed as I am mortified in my attempt at producing something worthy of their art…

This is their elven necromancer Orgollyn, more of whom you can find out in Mournful Wizard’s  blog on tumblr! Or in the gallery on DeviantArt. Go have a look, and follow them <3

I thank them for this great opportunity and continue to admire their skill and tenacity at this craft.

Here's a tiny close-up too

ps. the other piece is coming along nicely, I'll keep you posted~

pps. Orgollyn will never become a print, so this is only for everyone's enjoyment~

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Sneaky wips of sneaky arts

I've had a very productive Midsummer! Which was also my first free day in a while. I'm very hopeful this baby will get done by Finncon.

 And a belated wish for a magical midsummer to all!

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Oulun Tyrmä

 Preparations for the Oulu Dungeon-pop up shop are almost done! If you reside in the northern parts of Finland, feel cordially invited to check my stuff out (very cordially). Especially these sticker-bags, quite a lot more sweat and tears went into these as might be apparent from a casual glance.

My new piece is slowly taking form, some wip pictures will come up shortly~

Monday, 13 June 2016

Thank you Desucon!

 Thank you again, Desucon! We had a great time, and our brand new magic cube also stood proudly upright through the whole of Saturday, yay!

 I've begun a new piece, I hope it gets done by Finncon, but I'll keep you lovelies posted~

Saturday, 4 June 2016

The Alley of Desucon

Desucon has announced their Artists’ Alley artists! ....But they still didn’t tell anyone’s table number, I’ll inform you lovelies about that as soon as possible. This is the poster I made for their catalogue

 So, next Saturday, the 11th of June you can find me behind a table in Lahti! The Alley has moved to the Dealer’s Den, so don’t try to search for us in the old balcony where we used to be.

 I have a new piece in the works, but unfortunately seems like it will not make it to Desucon. But fear not, Finncon and its proud alley are just behind the corner and I’m sure you’ll find it there, and of course here as soon as it's finished!