Friday, 29 July 2016

Ropecon begins today!

 As this is my first time as a "regular seller" in a big convention I decided to step up my game and got an iZettle! We've tested it and it works just fine and dandy! Let's hope it keeps on doing that for the whole weekend.

 So, come and find me in the Myyntisali of Ropecon in Halli 5 today from 15 to 21 tomorrow from 10-18 and on Sunday 10-15! More information of the seller's area ~here~. Ropecon has a ton of cool stuff this year too, so everyone should definitely come! We're going to play some really bad Dungeons and Dragons during the nigh on Saturday so I might be a tad wane on Sunday.

I unfortunately didn't have the time to finish a friend for Laughter, but the pal will be done for the next con, I'm sure! But in the meantime, here's a few closeups of Laughter themself~

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Laughter & Feathers

Laughter; pencil, felt-tip pen, ink, watercolour & Painttool SAI, 2016

 It all started very innocently with me thinking that maybe I should make a few new bookmarks for Ropecon; and ended up with some next level hairporn & feathers of Laughter, a character from that old comic of mine, and who is properly introduced here. I like Laughter lots and lots, they are all shenaningans and games, toying with the rigid rulers of Shindran realms, causing havoc and mayhem here and there (but only to the olden rules, not violence).
I loved inking the feathers, and would like to make a friend for this darling, but let us see if I manage it before Ropecon. But think of peacocks, next.

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Pictures of July

I am sorry, this blog gets forgotten rather often since it is the only place I can't update from my phone, nor do I get daily notifications about activity there like with Tumblr or Instagram, for example. So if you really want to stay on top of things with my life and art I recommend finding me on some social media platform, links are to the right~
 But I will keep updating this blog too, only a little more irregularly!

 Firstly, I thank all who came to see us in Finncon! We had a great time there and I hope you all had too! I hope Worldcon will have an artists alley too, but I'll be there whether or not there's an alley. The ticket's bought already~

I've also received a blessing of temporary cats for a part of July~ Pilli seems to think I have better uses for my hands than drawing, though. But despite her best efforts at getting me to do what I am supposed to be doing, I've also been drawing! I got this huge inspiration for new shenanigans for Ropecon! I'll keep you posted, so stay alert! Nyehehe 

 Sneaky sneak peek is sneaky~

 An lastly, but most importantly! I have received my part of the art-trade from the wonderful and skillful Mournful Wizard!

Go have a look at it this instant! And if you use tumblr, follow this amazing artist for more exquisite art!

 That's enough form me today, until we meet again

Friday, 1 July 2016


Dinner and a show, 2016, pencil, ink, watercolour and SAI

...I'll change the name when I come up with a better one, but today I'm too exhausted with my broken tumblr, my crashing Sai and my printer that enjoys making everything lined (and my eternal work & school hell-limbo) to come up with something better.
 At least I managed to get a few okay ones out of the machine, so I can promise that at least a few prints of this baby will be available tomorrow in Finncon in their Artists' Alley! Please come say hi to us~
 This is seriously the most gaily coloured lovelie I've ever drawn, makes me a bit confused to even look at it... Let's just say that this is in part a tribute to my patron deity; Slaanesh.