Thursday, 28 December 2017

Happy Solstice!

Got to show my magnificent Winter Solstice date for this fine year, his name is Laku; he likes to scream at me and help me read the newspaper. He is also very cuddly.

No art this time but soooon I’ll have something nice to show you~~

Monday, 18 December 2017

Art Summary 2017

This year went by so fast! It became the year of pale babes completely by accident.
But I kind of managed my goal of a halfway decent pic per month, yay! Next year I’ll try to have a few from which to choose from... That’d be nice.

 Thank you to all my lovely followers for yet another year <3 I hope next year will be kinder to us all than this one.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Thank you Höyrymarkkinat!

It was rather dark in Steam Hellsinki so my picture is a bit blurry... But nevertheless, thank you all who came to visit me and the other sellers last Saturday! Hope to see you again next year ^^

Friday, 8 December 2017

Boy of all the Blades

 And here we have the latest Heavenly Body all done and primped up for you lovelies!

 There will be bookmarks of him, and the official Heavenly body available this Saturday at Höyryn Joulumarkkinat in Steam Hellsinki bar from 13-18! This will be a very limited run, but hopefully evryone who desires one will have their wish fulfilled.

Thursday, 30 November 2017

A New Heavenly Pretty in the Works

The next Heavenly Creature is well on its way, amazing what a thesis can do to one’s artistic creativity!
 I’m pretty confident this baby will be done by Höyrymarkkinat (9th of December), in all his knifey glory, as a double sided bookmark at that! Hope to see you there ^^

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Redbubble Reminder

This is but a coy reminder of a Redbubble shop of a starving student/artist :’D

 I tend to upload all my finished work there, so if you like what I do, have a peek! Currently it is also the only place where you can get my prints internationally, since I had to close down my Tictail shop…
You can find the place right here:
…And also I had to share these nightmare inducing Cheery Centipede Boy sheets, for all your lizard disco nights :’D I still giggle every time I see them

Thursday, 16 November 2017


Just a quick note, that I will be selling my arts at Höyryn Joulumarkkinat Saturday the 9th of December at the Steam Hellsinki bar! This will be my last event for the year, so if you want some of mine, get it here~
I’ll draw a new Heavenly Pretty for the event, too, so look forward to that <3 And here’s a link to the fb-event  ^^

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Wip time!

Hey, I’m not entirely dead! Sometimes I sneak a little doodle-time from my schedule and do little sketches, like this rpg char of a friend I promised to draw like 17 years ago. Not done yet, but hopefully soon!
He is Galoz, a meat eater elf like Severan (who can be found elsewhere in my gallery) but he is no meat eater himself, instead he is what you’d call batshit crazy, but in a very adorable way. He is so much fun, when he is not causing grey hair to me the GM or somehow charming alll the girls in the entirety of the City :D

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Heavenly Spheres

Sorry, me & my Inktober totally imploded so have a abstract blob instead. It has cute little faces on it.
I put it in my Redbubble, too.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Inktober part 1

 I think I'm already a bit late with this, my apologies! I'm trying to get a piece done every second day! at first I had no real idea what I wanted to do, then I suddenly got an idea of a story I could explore with my inktober! It is a science fiction AU of a pair of my older characters~
These are the first four installments in it:

I've also decided to keep this completely monochrome, so no inkwashing, but a lot of practice with my good old Deleters!

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Heavenly Body

No inktober yet, I'll do a collection of them at the end of each week,  but my finished Heavenly Boy number 3.
The colours got a bit wild in the end, but I kind of like them. He also has a secret backside, but I will not show it~ Maybe when he becomes a bookmark.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

New Art in the making

Working on something new!
This will be another like Shura, I have a whole series of these erogurotesque darlings planned~ This one just might be the original heavenly body.

I will also do my best this October to do a proper inktober, for once! Let's see how it goes...

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Tictail shop closing down & succulent friends

 That was a bit of a random title, but there's a lot of things going on at the moment!
 First  of all. As a quick heads up, I will be closing down my Tictail shop next Tuesday since they will start taking fees for the custom shops and a commission for each sale. I am pretty sad about this, as the platform itself was pretty nice, but what can you do... Anyway if you were thinking of getting my comic or a small print sometime later, do it now :’D

Of course, even after the shop is gone one can get anything they like from me via just sending an email to haltijakapala [å], and I’ll look into setting up another shop somewhere else as soon as I have a bit of free time on my hands.

Secondly, I haven't had the time to start anything new as I have a friend from Japan visiting my this week, but I'll get on with my next Heavenly Body hopefully already next week!
 In the mean time, we've been having amazing adventures all around Helsinki, like meeting all these pretty little succulents at the Botanic Garden.

Well, this last one is not a succulent at all, but still a pretty amazing little guy!

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Exhibition and Pakanalliset Syysmessut

Just a quick reminder to all of you Finnish people that the Tikkurila exhibition is open until Saturday the 9th!

p.s. Thank you all who managed to find our table in the Comics Festival, it was nice chatting with all of you!

p.p.s. I have a table booked in the Pakanalliset Syysmessut in Suvilahti 23.-24.9.! I'll post more info about it closer to the date, but if you're there, do come say hi~~

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Shura finished & announcements

Shura. From the front, and kindly he gives you a glimpse of his backside too. This and the centipede will become bookmarks, hopefully in time for Sarjisfestarit next weekend! Me and Rikkisu​ will be sharing a table at Zinefest in Tiivistämö (not Oranssi, as there are two spots!)
Shura is a total babe who came to me in a dream, one of the best I've ever had. I’ve done a piece on it too, it is buried somewhere deep within my blog. Originally he was a male witch elf from Warhammer (my own AU of course, since in canon there are no such things, which is stupid), nowadays he is so much more!
I have more of these bookmarks planned, too, I call this series of floaty boys The Celestial Bodies (cue absolutely no laughter).

 As for the rest of this Autumn, I will sadly have very little time to draw as I am attempting a swift garduation from the University . Thesis will take a lot of time to get done, I fear... But before that I will attend one more event the Pagan Autumn Fair in September of which I'll tell more closer to the event!

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Return of Shura

Working on something new~ This is an iteration of one old character that first came to me in a dream, as a male witch elf from Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Nowadays he has a new identity.

I Might get this done by Sarjakuvafestivaalit, where I’ll be sharing a table with Rikkisu Zinefest!

Monday, 21 August 2017

The exhibition is open!

The exhibition is officially open! Welcome everyone ^^The originals will be up on display until the 9th of September!
 In other great news, I will be sharing a table with the wonderful Rikkisu in the Zinefest of Helsinki Comics festival on the first weekend of September! I'll see if I can cook up something small and shenanigan-y for the event~ More information will be shared closer to the event.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

A new exhibition of the same comic :D

Second round of rubbing my comic originals in the face of innocent passer-bys en masse is a-go~! Well, next week, that is.

More info in English below, but before that some Finnish.
Sulkia & Suomuja -sarjakuvanäyttely
Tikkurilan kirjasto, 2. kerros
Lummetie 4

Näyttely on avoinna 21.8.-9.9.2017
Ma-Pe 8-20
La-Su 10-16

Sulka & Suomu -sarjakuvan julkaisunäyttelystä tulikin pieni näyttelykiertue! Esillä myös aiemmin näkemättömiä originaalisivuja sarjakuvasta.

Sulka & Suomu on pieni haitarikirjasarjakuva, sen lisäksi se on koe siitä miten syklinen ja monisuuntainen kerronta voisi toimia paperisena sarjakuvana. Sulka & Suomu on unenomainen tarina kahden inhimillisiä ja epäinhimillisiä piirteitä omaavan olennon kohtaamisesta ja sen seuraamuksista.


Feathers & Scales
An exhibition of comic page originals.
Tikkurila Library
Lummetie 4
The exhibition is open 21.8.-9.9.2017
Mon-Fri 8-20
Sat-Sun 10-16

 The Feather & Scale publication exhibition turned into a mini-tour! A few new, yet unseen originals will also be on display.

Feather & Scale is a small accordion book-comic. It is an experiment, a study of how cyclic and multilinear storytelling could function in paper format. It is also a dreamlike story of the meeting of two creatures; and the multiple consequences that ensue.


ps. If you want to RSVP to the FB-event, please do <3

Monday, 7 August 2017

Worldcon is just about here!

Worldcon begins in a few days! Me & my pal Pihlajatar will be sharing table numbered M2 and marked on the map in the Creators' Alley on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! The sellers change a bit everyday, so there's plenty to see on the alley every day!

 The opening hours of the hall are:
Friday 10 - 18
Saturday 10 - 18
Sunday 10 - 15

 And remember! You don't need a membership to visit the Trader Hall & Creators' Alley! Everyone can come! For the time being this will be my last confirmed event that I will be in, so if you want to see my stuff live, now's the last chance (for now)
...And then there is new art :'D

This started out as a joke in my sketchbook, but then I wanted to make an actually bookmark about it. I mean, everyone needs a little cheering up&on from time to time, I know I do. This little guy does it for you sevenfold.
I have a whole bunch these planned, but it might take a while for them to get done, seems like my traditional post-comic depression has finally caught up with me, and I get absolutely nothing done. This one took me weeks D’: So please don't expect too much of me in the next few weeks, I need gather my pieces from the floor and try to assemble them into a human being again.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Post-Ropecon & Tictail

Hello everyone, and thank you for an amazing Ropecon!
I got a lot of questions about getting my stuff online from somewhere, so in the case some people who took my card end up in here, then here is my Tictail shop:

I will also research the cheapest possible way to send out the new big prints, since a few people inquired about that, too. I’ll let you all know when I add them to the shop!

Oh yeah, AND! I forgot to mention, but Worldcon, is on next week’s weekend! I will be there on the Creator’s Alley from Friday to Sunday, and what is more, you don’t need a membership to enter the hall where the alley & traders are! Anyone can come! Yay :D Come say hi if you are around!

Thursday, 27 July 2017

A batch of scroll-prints

I made a batch of huge prints for Ropecon and Worldcon! People have been asking for these, so I shall deliver!
 They are 60 cm high, except Laughter who is a tiny 55 cm~ The width varies a bit from piece to piece. As a bonus there's an A4 sized mini-Ninavel for scale. There's small and big prints of all these other darlings, too!

 And! It seems like people can visit the creator's alley of Worldcon even without having the membership to the event! So if you want to come and say hi to me there, I'll be having a table with Pihlajatar from Friday to Sunday ^^

Friday, 21 July 2017

Some sketches

 I've been role-playing and doodling quite a lot during this summer! Here are some of the silly doodles I sketch while we've been playing~

 Upper left corner has my new Eldar Corsair character from a Rogue Trader campaign, Shiranui Chitaira. Beneath him is me brand new jackdaw bard-boy Kurama and his best pals Dr. Mlemmiwinks a doge cleric and Uss aka Lord Hissington, a yuan-ti fighter. The whole campaign is just a clusterfuck of tomfoolery and idiocy, and I love it to bits!
 Upper right corner has Marune from my comic, I'm trying redesign their face, for they have a set of horns on their head and I can't get them to work like I want to. Still, I think this is a pretty nice picture of them. And below is my hissymissy-Severan being the angry young man he is. 

 I've got some new prints coming up for Ropecon & Worldcon, stay tuned for them~~ In the meanwhile, you can always visit my Tictail or Redbubble to acquire some art!

Wednesday, 12 July 2017


My first set of postcards fresh off the printers! They’re printed on 300g/m2 cardstock and have an exquisite matte finish~ You just need to touch them to understand the height of sublime the surface possesses~~~
Want to have one? I’ll be selling them at the Dark Market of Lumous Gothic Festival this weekend in Tampere, and they’re available in my Tictail-shop, too

Friday, 7 July 2017

The Red Shroud

The Red Shroud, 2017

I love making these, it is so relaxing and stimulating at the same time. And moreover helps me to process the more esoteric and abstract levels of my ye olde comic, one that will hopefully one day be reborn…

Slapped it into my Rebubble too.

Monday, 3 July 2017

The Fall of Aenaitha

I feel so empty after finishing this that I can’t think of anything to say about this one. I guess I also don’t want to try and explain this one too much, either. So, just here it is, and it has a lot to do with the world of my ye olde comic, but I don’t want to tell it all since it might be a bit of a spoiler. A lot of flesh eating went on in the olden times there, as Danil too had a bite or three.

And a few close ups, since the piece is so big~

Monday, 26 June 2017

This will hopefully be the last one

Another wip~ Now I’m in the process of colouring this huge thing, but I’m making good progress, so this might be the last wip I taunt/harass you with.

 Making this particular piece has been a bit of a personal challenge for me, I recently realised that I have, over the years, begun to unconsciously censor my own art; to be an artist that “can be taken seriously” mostly I think. It was not a nice realisation to make, I do this for myself after all, no one pays for me to do this or anything so, I should be free. So I decided to do something straight form my heart, and I hope the people that have come to know me in the last year won’t be too shocked to see me return to my eroguro roots. We will see!
 Idk, feels weird to even make a public comment like this, I rarely do this, it feels so whiny and I don’t think anyone really cares anyway :’D So I'll just keep on treading upon this road of mine~

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

...And another sneak peek!

There’s also a dragon! In the new big piece that  I'm orking on and it is going to be huge. Therefore, this is going to take a while and I’m naughtily going to spam you all with wips as I am getting there~

 I am intending on making a new batch of big prints, so stay tuned for that too!

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

A tiny sneak peek~

I have a new big piece in the works, this time two lovelies instead of just one. This is supposed to be a depiction of a mythical calamity that befell the immortal folk of my world, two mighty warriors brought low by greed and pride... But I think they look more like courtesans than warriors. Oh well, whatever rocks my boat I guess~

 With this final piece I am preparing for a batch of bigger prints, which will, if all goes  as I've planned, be available in Ropecon. Please look forward to that!

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Elric of Melniboné

A mermified Elric of Melniboné for Marriakhan over in Tumblr​ as my part of the mini art-trade for Mermay :D He is very confused about the situation and about how to use Stormbringer underwater.

I’ve coincidentally been re-reading a bit of the good old Elric books and gushing over him as he is ...just a lot of things that I really, really like; e.g. broody, cruel, skinny, pale and with a big fucking sword of Chaos. And did think I’d like to do a tiny bit of fan art of him, and now I got the opportunity! Elric is also the reason I know Marriakhan since we "met" when I commented on an Elric fan art piece of theirs many, many years ago...

Marriakhan drew my derptastic elven sorcerer-druid Liehu, as a beautiful perfect little mer-elf!

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Stockholm International Comic Festival!

Greetings from Stockholm, we had a great weekend! Thank you all who visited our table, and hopefully we'll see again next year, too.
 Here's a few touristy pictures of Stockholm that I took

I got it! Finally! I love Robin Hobb's books, mayhaps the best of all books.