Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Sulkia & Suomuja sarjakuvanäyttely

English below!
Sulkia & Suomuja - Näyttely erään sarjakuvan synnystä.
Kulttuuriareena Gloria, Pieni Roobertinkatu 12

Näyttely on avoinna 27.4.-17.5.2017
Gloria on auki arkisin 9.00 - 15.00 & tapahtumien aikana

Sulka & Suomu on pieni haitarikirja-sarjakuva. Se on koe siitä miten syklinen ja monisuuntainen kerronta voisi toimia paperisena sarjakuvana. Se on myös unenomainen tarina kahden inhimillisiä ja epäinhimillisiä piirteitä omaavan olennon kohtaamisesta ja sen seuraamuksista.

Näyttelyssä tekijä valottaa sarjakuvan syntyprosessia; pitkää ja mutkaista tietä, jonka päästä löytyi lopulta 32 sivua. Miten tarina syntyi, muuttui ja lopulta sai viimeisen muotonsa? Näyttely koostuu luonnoksista, sarjakuvaa edeltävistä yksittäisistä teoksista ja lyhyistä prosessia avaavista teksteistä. Kokonaisuutta täydentää valikoima sarjakuvaoriginaaleja Sulka & Suomusta, joista kukin on toteutettu vesivärimaalauksena.


Facebook-tapahtumaan tästä

Feathers & Scales - An exhibition on the birth a comic.
Kulttuuriareena Gloria, Pieni Roobertinkatu 12

The exhibition will be open from 27th of April to the 17th of May (Note, that the Facebook-event ends before that, since Facebook accepts only two week long events)
Gloria is open on weekdays 9.00 - 15.00 & during events

Feather & Scale is a small accordion book-comic. It is a test, a study of how cyclic and multilinear storytelling could function in paper format. It is also a dreamlike story of the meeting of two creatures; and the multiple consequences that ensue.

In the exhibition the artist sheds a sliver of light on the process of making this comic; the long and winding road at the end of which one found 32 small pages. How was the story born, how did it evolve, change and set into its final form? The exhibition consists of sketches, independent pieces that paved way for the comic and short comments by the artists on the process. The exhibition is completed with a selection of comic page originals from Feather & Scale, each of which is a small watercolour painting.


Click here for the Facebook-event

ps. Thank you is order for my anonymous friend for helping me with the poster, you know who you are; you are the best ♥

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Doodling cat-elves

I haven’t been able to draw much after finally finishing that comic. Just too tired, and busy with trying to graduate as quickly as possible.

But a fun little event of male beauty by the name Magic Meat March over in Tumblr was too good of an excuse to doodle my very emancipated half-elf half-cat equal parts sexy and awesome stripper-librarian darling Mizane. I even googled for sexy librarian poses but ended up doing almost exactly the same pose I originally did of him by accident – or just sheer exhaustion…

Enjoy this half an hour doodle of him, and let's hope I get myself back in the game next month. I am thinking of drawing my next mini-comic about him, though~

Saturday, 25 March 2017


 Some of you may know that I am old. Olde enough to have read Tähtivaeltaja back in the late nineties when I was a lonely old bag in the making in rural Finland, in times when the Internet was something new and expensive. I can say that reading this good old scifi-fantasy-horror-zine was one of the things keeping me sane in that very unsane environment. I’ve continued reading it ever since those backwards ancient times.

 AND for a few years now  I’ve had the pleasure of having my illustrations decorating the pages of Tähtivaeltaja, but now I made it to the cover! Somewhere a teenage me is screaming in delight.
 There’s no one more worthy of the honour of cover than the regal Ninavel. No one.
Tähtivaeltaja is a great magazine btw, you all should read it!  (Of course the mag is only in Finnish)

Monday, 20 March 2017

Spring Announcements!

First, thank you all you who came to say hi in Tampere Kuplii, you made my weekend <3

Then, to the other things! My next con will be the Stockholm International Comics Festival in May! My first con abroad, very exciting! If you happen to be around, please come say hi! I will be sharing a table with Rikkis in the Small Press Expo.

But before that I will have a small exhibition of originals for the Feather&Scale graphic novel! I will have more info on that soon, so stay tuned~

And lastly, something not so nice. My nemesis, the Finnish Post Office will rise their prices yet again in the beginning of April. Therefore, all of you who haven’t yet gotten my graphic novel from the webshop, you should hurry before everything gets worse. I put both the graphic novel and our colouring booklet on sale, just for you lovelies ;> Thank you for all your support so far!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Meetings & Beginnings

 I posted a few paintings I did for the comic online elsewhere, the main reason was that these didn't make it to the comic as full page panels in the end. So, I wanted to share them in their full glory digitally!

Tampere Kuplii is almost upon us! I hope to see you there ^^

 I also have a small exhibition of the originals for this comic in the works, more info soon! Negotiations are going on so I can't give an exact date just yet, but it will be this spring.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Feather & Scale!

It is here, finally!
 Feather & Scale is an accordion book graphic novel, and a study of nonlinear, cyclic storytelling. Two creatures, Feather and Scale, leave their safe homesteads, meet each other and multiple possibilities open up: how do they react to each other and what happens to them?

32 pages, 7 cm x 12 cm.

Printed on 160 g/m² glossy paper. Each accordion book is handmade by yours truly <3 

Apart from the title, the graphic novel is textless, therefore, readable by anyone anywhere~

Available internationally on my TicTail shop and in conventions I will attend; next one being Tampere Kuplii, you can find me in Pienlehtimarssi18.3.-.19.3., with the amazing Viivi Rintanen and Rikkis ^^

ps. I also added a few of my favorite pages and panels to my Redbubble, since I won’t be able to sell prints abroad from the TicTail thank to Finnish postoffice being monstrously expensive

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Feather and Scale is almost here

The proofs came, and the colours, structure and everything works! I've okayed the printing, so seems like I will indeed have a comic to sell in Tampere Kuplii! So exciting!
 I'll properly announce the comic after I get it from the print house, in the meantime we can enjoy this temporary cat-Homer not really appreciating the fruits of my hard work.

ps. I’ll make it so you can also buy it online, to abroad!