Sunday, 23 September 2018

Endless Dragon Cave

Hello~~ I’m sorry for the lack of art recently, I’m teaching a course with two lectures per week and it has eaten up all of my time :( But only a few weeks left and THEN my life should be a bit more normal (I hope)
So instead of new doodles, have a video of a well over 10 metre long dragon cave drawing I did as a child 💖 I really want to do something similar again in the future, but with better art xD I've recently been (again) very inspired with emakimono picture scrolls. too

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Tictail shop~!

I’ve opened a new Tictail shop for all of you international lovelies! Please have a look~

To celebrate this fine occasion, I’ve put my brand-new accordion booklet the Heavenly Bodies and my year-old accordion book graphic novel Feather&Scale on sale for two weeks
Each order made during this time will also receive a postcard & some other secret goodies as a gift~!

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Thank you Zine Fest!

Thank you everyone who visited our table at Zine Fest this year! I was elated to be a part of the biggest comic festival in Finland once again. Hopefully we will see there next year, too! Here's a few pics I took of our table, and new bookmarks, too ^^

 I'm also preparing to launch a web shop of my products for all of of you internationals out there, stay tuned for more info really soon!