Thursday, 20 December 2018

Once upon a time...

My artist progress (or lack of progress?) meme that I’ve been sitting on for years, but decided to finally post. So enjoy my doodles since times immemorial to this latest, pretty busy year I’ve had :’D Once even this old gutter witch was smål. Those were dark times: no internet, no manga, no noodles & tofu in grocery stores.
And I won’t even start about the fact that Mitral & Nargwhanal turned 14 this year, it makes me dizzy ●.◉

And thank you everyone for this year, let’s hope next one will be kinder to us all. I myself am a bit frustrated at how little I managed to do artwise this year, but I’m hoping next one will be easier. I am adult now and all, no more thesises to write 。+゚.。+。(´ω`*)♪♪

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Telephone Art Game the Third

Telephone Art Game 2018
My third semi-international Telephone Art Game is finally done! We’ve been at this since summer, and now everything is done and the stars have aligned! Monstrous personage became the theme of this round 8>
The 14 participating artists in order of appearance:
1. Waspmer
2. @haltijakapala aka yours truly <3
3. @rikkisu
4. ered
5. Mert
6. Apila Pepita
7. Kevin Cadaver
8. Rachel
9. @mangomendoza
10. @kivihattu
11. Hoodd
12. Korhann
13. Sanna Susanna
14. @metalmiku
Make sure to check out their blogs, everyone has a blog/gallery full of amazing art <3

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

So it is Christmas

Zine christmas market thing
Just a tiny darling of a note; I ended up getting a table at the Finnish Comics Society’s Christmas Zine sale Saturday 15th of December with Rikkisu & Metalmiku! If you’re around, please do come say hi 🖤 The event is held in the Comics Centre (Porthaninkatu 9, HKI)

The FB-event if that’s your thing

I had no idea there were kids involved, too xD, let’s try to keep them away from my table… I’m feeling especially sensitive about my art and less than mainstream preferences with this Tumblr shitstorm suddenly hitting us.

decided to draw something ridiculously self-indulgent as a year end gift for myself, now that I have a moment’s respite from all the teachings and whatnots. Still working on the comic too, but this piece has been burning on my head for months. Take care of yourself, my lovelies.