Tuesday, 23 April 2019

7th page

The seventh page has finally arrived! Read it here!

I'm sorry for being so slow recently, I do wish fervently May will be easier on my schedule wise ^^'

Friday, 19 April 2019


Despite the best efforts of a certain Hinder-Homer, the seventh page is on its way! Expect it to pop up after easter!
 Well, I'll write another blog entry when it happens anyway xD

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

6th page

This took a bit and I'm afraid the next one will too as there's Easter to deal with. Not that I really care much about Easter, but it is a long holiday, which means social obligations. I'll do my best to be prompt with the next page too!

Monday, 8 April 2019

Thank you Kauhucon!

Kauhucon came and went, and I had a blast! Thank you everyone who visited my table, it was nice meeting new and old friends ^^
 From here on I will not be attending any cons for a while, instead I will focus on the comic and getting myself in a good rhythm in making it!
See you in Ropecon!