Tuesday, 31 May 2022


 I haven’t drawn a pencil and ink drawing in such a long long time. This feels so good for a change : D


 I suddenly realised it’s a bit over a month until Finncon and I might want something new on my table xD

This is a critter I've not drawn since 2011 xD The design is also so different I'm sure anyone who knew the original would probably not recognise them... They're a part of the world of Paths either way ;>

Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Thursday, 12 May 2022

Frolic of the Ancients


Made some abstract art for a change a while back and sort of forgot about it and remembered to post it today...
This is available in my Redbubble shop like all the abstract collages I've done before. 

Please have a peek if you're interested!

I'm also currently working on the 61st page, and I hope it'll be pretty soon!

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

The 60th of pages

 We're on page 60 folks! /throws confetti

Webtoons & Tapas

Hopefully the next 60 will come twice as fast as the ones before! ...No really I will try to update more often. Life has tried it's best to stop me from doing this comic, but I'm still standing >:D

I'm also going to keep the poll open for one week, so it will close on the 10th of May! If you haven't voted yet, now's your last chance! :D

OH! And thank you everyone who took the time to see my little exhibit, I read al lthe lovely comments in my guest book and it really warmed my withered old heart 🖤