Thursday, 21 December 2023

My Year in Art 2023!

 Another year winds to a close and it is time for my annual Year in art look-back post :D And what year it has been! I got my longest comic to date published just in November, but I spent most of my summer and autumn on making corrections and bonuses, but I still am surprised at how many independent pieces I also manage to draw! I hope this good vibe continues to the next year, and I hope you all have a better 2024 than 2023 has been.... I hope...

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Page 83!

 Hello I’m back! Back in the regular comic page business that is! I’m very happy I got this done well before the solstice UwU Let’s see if I can churn out another page before the end of the year, but don’t hold your breath on that :“’D

Read it in Tapas or Webtoons as usual~!

ALSO! I feel so bad for poor Narya, their first line in this damn comic was how thirsty they were…. I feel like I’ve kept Narya dying of thirst since 2019 or something, even if it hasn’t been that long in the actual comic timeline xD