Monday, 27 May 2024

3rd page of the month!

Read it in either Tapas or Webtoons, as usual!

I'm really on a roll here xD And I know why! Because soon, so very soon, we will finally get out of the tower of Shadows and I can show you all the sights of Narya & Maru's homeland! I'm not only excited but also nervous TBH... I have such a clear vision of how things will look, but let's see how well I can translate that on paper xD Wish me luck!

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Eye sticker arrives~

 Yay my new stickers are here! I'm especially happy with this new see-through eye cluster 👁️👄👁️ this babey will be available in all events I will participate this summer, next of which will be Desucon !

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Page 93!

 Page 93 ready for you all UwU

Read it in Tapas or Webtoons, as usual!

 I'm hopeful we might reach the almost mythical three whole updates in one month! Amazing! Wish me luck ;;;;

Anyways,  I hope you all like this horned cat-like being as much as I like drawing them :D

I do have a question, though, is the addition to a new mode of speech confusing? The telepathic connection between Narya and Kire, that is.... I couldn't think of a way to make it absolutely clear that Maru isn't privy to this conversation either.... ;;;;

OH and thank you all who voted in the poll! I'll try to be quicker than usual with the results, and will contact the winner of the raffle when I post them ^-^

Thursday, 9 May 2024

Inking page 93

Inking is by far my favourite step of the comic making process, I wish I could just ink forever!

Next page coming along nicely, hopefully I will get it done next week!

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

Kirerune has something to tell you...


So yeah, new month new page and all that stuff~ This is the second page with Kire in it so I decided to just slap that huge critter on the preview finally! I would like to call them passionate, but I think the right word would probably be short tempered ;;;;; But it comes from a good intention at least ;;;;

Read the whole page in the usual spots TAPAS & WEBTOONS

OH! And I'm going to keep the character popularity poll up for the rest of this week, so anyone who has not voted yet can do so until Sunday!