Friday, 28 February 2025

Little update

 I'm sorry I kind of vanished in the middle of Elfbruary for which I had really grand plans... Homer got really sick last week and we've been focusing all our energy on him ever since. Luckily he is feeling a bit better already, but we're not out of these woods yet, but hopefully at some point. Homer is also already 19 years old, so it was inevitable that something would happen to him at some point.

Anyway, I will be posting less regularly from now on quite probably and be less online all in all to focus on my darling cat who is probably the most important thing in my life :"D but I'll keep working on all my stuff slowly.

I probably won't have a lot of new stuff for Tampere kuplii, I just hope you can forgive me x'( 

If you read this far, I will also mention I do have a Kofi account if anyone feels like it, you can support us paying Homer's veterinary bills, I will definitely be grateful, but no pressure at all.

Thursday, 13 February 2025

Page 110


It's been a really long day, but I got the page done! Read it in the usual places, aka. Tapas and Webtoons! I just wanted to post it before the weekend <:D

Nothing else to report today :D

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Second #Elfbruary art


Some new art for #elfbruary today! I wanted to make a sticker with this very text and who'd be better to represent the golden elves as the most golden of elves my tiny lil' Liehu UwU

Liehu is my dnd 3rd edition Druid/Sorcerer character! He's 38 years old in game and 10 years old out of the game!  He has a cat familiar called Aya and a lynx animal companion called Kille :D Best of both worlds!

Liehu was found as a baby in the possession of some very evil death cultists and saved by two humans who adopted him and his brother (a half elf who most probably is not blood related to him).  His childhood was very happy and he is a very nice young man who likes to help everyone and make new friends. Recently a legendary magic sword was forced upon him be the ghost of a dead king and he's been very stressed about it, but looks like they were able to save the world from a really big bad (but our game has been on hiatus and things remain unsolved).

He loves flowers and flowy gowns, nature and his brother and fathers. oh, and he is 148 cm tall.

Drawn with pencil and ink, colours in CSP

Art without my sad anti-ai blur can be found in Cara!

Saturday, 1 February 2025



Welcome to #Elfbruary ! UwU I'll start mine with posting this redo of Daenthia I secretly worked on all January whenever I had time from all my other deadlines, and I got him ready just in time!

Daenthia is a noble born high elf currently spirited away into a chaotic and scary endless labyrinth with his bodyguard and secret flame Veserian (of whom I will also try to finally draw a picture of ;;;;), thanks to spell gone awfully awry. Normally he is a splendid magus :D Anyway it's a solo rpg I've been playing for a while now, with my very own rules (which are ofc also horribly unfinished xD)

Anyways, look forward to hopefully a ton of less finished elven pieces from me this month xD 

You can find an unblurred version in my Cara (or blsky, I use the same name there too!)