Monday, 30 November 2015
I'm doing a presentation on Amano Yoshitaka for Japanese class, but researching his art just makes me want to draw so bad... And draw I did. (I just hope my doodles would suffice as the presentation...)
So, have a very sketchy ode to Amano in the form of Shiranui of draconian descent (not all that distantly related to Varaith) seducing an ancestor of Nargwhanal, Thiervain, in the somewhat ancient past of my world.
It ended badly, it always does.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Visions of Endless Pasts
In the wandering of lifeless dust, within a hidden world of red, Blood God dreamt, of things forever lost, stolen futures and annihilated ends. Will anything remain before the wind?
Done in ink & secrets
More here
And I also made my very first t-shirt design (as in a drawing I've only meant to be a t-shirt... and not a piece of art)!

Sunday, 15 November 2015
Suddenly I had a bit of freetime in my hands and I finally set up my Society6 shop. And yes, I know I already have a shop in Redbubble, but these All over print shirts are just too nice to pass up:
I have new paintings comicg up as soon as I have time to sit and paint! I'll keep you all lovelies posted~
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Some Original Characters
This time separately and properly scanned for better quality~ I chose the ones that I liked best, please enjoy!
The now extinct Danil, done in watercolour
The undead Sirithyvin, done in ink
My darling Mitral dressed in something preposterous, done with copics
And Varaith the Magnificent descendant of dragons, done in ink
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Last batch of October original characters
This time mostly rpg characters; my assassin Severan from Dark Heresy 2 (also known as Not-Kanda) in the upper left corner; Minnow from Changeling the Lost is in the upper right one and below her my utterly stupid and just as cute elven sorcerer Liehu from DnD 3rd Edition game of epic level derpiness. I think it will suffice to say that our party has three rogues and not one frontline fighter and I've never had a s much fun playing DnD in my life
The baby in the middle is a mixed blood descendant of dragon & shindrans and all magnificence from my comic and the last one is little Illathain a special someone wanted to create into my comic's world, and so we did.
And so this ends, whew, I never imagined I'd be able to doodle so many sketches! And now I need to return to my normal drudgery, art books don't draw themselves...
Thursday, 22 October 2015
3rd week of characters
3rd week of original characters. This batch contains many of my absolute favorite darlings of all time. Many of them are main characters of the ye olde comic. Starting from the top left corner is Adal Bodgen a human lady and one of the main characters in my comic. To her right is the one I probably love most, easily my oldest character still around Mitral lounging around in very strange get up indeed. Below Mitral is Sirithyvin Aunirothu an undead creature living in the shadow's of Adal's home country. The his left is the yellow eyed Faurgwaith, and like the aforementioned trio a very important character in the comic.
And last is the odd one out Ghuelan Nargwhanal's sworn retainer, bodyguard and swordsmanship teacher.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Original characters vol. 2
Now to continue my somewhat heroic attempts at drawing my own characters. Again from the upper left corner onwards:
First we have Duin a sort of a religious leader and a mediator with the pact with Living Darkness the royal family of Bithondans have, and speaking of them the duo beside Duin are Nargwhanal's siblings Dealenne and Raerinas. Below the shindras is Danil a creature from the very ancient past of my world, and you can read a bit more about them here.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Original Characters for October vol. 1
There was this nice drawing challenge of original characters over in Tumblr . The idea would be to draw one character per day, but like there a chance in hell I'd be able to draw everyday. Even if I'd very much like to...
Oh well ,whining aside, I'll try to post a collage of the least horrible sketches weekly so the reader's of this blog don't get left out! More detailed information of each character can be found in my Tumblr, I'll put a link on all the names for the ones who are interested in reading more~
From top left corner onwards: first is Lady Mriia a npc from the Storium game I'm narrating, a somewhat cattish lady with a nicely varied bloodlines, the her right are Nurune and Kirerune noble daemonic-chimeric steeds and bond-brothers of Marune and Nargwhanal my two main character from That Comic I Used to Draw, below them is Marune himself and finally to his left is the elevated mother of Nargwhanal Raerinhal Bithondan.
Now to paint yesterday's character.
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
If you've ever wanted to buy my prints but were too scared to do so, now's your chance! Aavetaajuus will have my prints from now on!
It is an amazing shop in itself, so you should definitely pay it a visit even if my prints don't tease your fancy~
Sunday, 20 September 2015
Working on new stuff
A few small sketches of characters in my next comic project~ and the colourful one is a npc from a Storium game I’m narrating. Storium is funner than fun, I can definitely recommend checking it out!But our game is private unfortunately :(
Also as promised a better picture of the Blood God scarf, so here you go ~
Monday, 7 September 2015
Sorry I was going to write a quick note about Tracon's craft tables you know BEFORE the con but was so busy with malfunctioning printers and print houses and the beginning of my lectures that it just slipped my mind. Well, I did find out that I can't really update my blog from my phone either, for I tried.
But thank you all who came, and hope to see you again in the next event whatever that may be!
And a last bonus: a small picture of a Blood for the Blood God scarf I ordered for myself from my Redbubble store, it is a fine beast of a scarf if you don't mind me saying!
From now on this blog might be a bit quiet for a while since I'm finishing my artbooklet and can't show you everything I put in it. Also a small comic is in the works, but I can't show you much of that either just yet... Thank you for your patience in advance
But thank you all who came, and hope to see you again in the next event whatever that may be!
New stickers and a big (44 x 32 cm) Blood for the Blood God print! If you missed my table and would like to have something just write me a message, a poor artist-student is a poor artists-student after all~ (haltijakapala [å] gmail . com)
In other good news the new Tähtivaeltaja has a few illustrations by me! I am pretty happy about it ^^
From now on this blog might be a bit quiet for a while since I'm finishing my artbooklet and can't show you everything I put in it. Also a small comic is in the works, but I can't show you much of that either just yet... Thank you for your patience in advance
Saturday, 29 August 2015
A quick announcement, my lovelies!
Almost a week late but I've been sick AND busy, and I apologise.
I will be attending this year's Small Press Heaven with the lovely Viivi Rintanen & Miissa Rantanen with amazing comics (check their pages)! There’ll be a smaller selection of stuff, mostly these newer babies!
As for Tracon next week, find me at the Dealer’s Den at a craftstable (not the artist’s alley!) If there's something you absolutely know you want just send me a message: haltijakapala [ä] gmail . com ~
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Hollow Shadows
Done in pencil, ink, felt tip pen & SAI, 2015
My another very, very old character, Nargwhanal. This is an overdramatisation of a scene from That Comic I Used To Draw, maybe someday you will all see what actually happens.
The other side of the diptych can be found here
Sunday, 9 August 2015
Here's a proper wip shot of my next piece without the saboteur. I love being this productive for a change.
Saturday, 8 August 2015
More Lore
The Blood God is awakening, can you hear their call? In the world old and new nothing surpasses to the Living Blood, the Keyless Gate, the Wanderer in a world of Dust.
Done in ink and secrets.
Darkest night, never ceasing. The eternal, gentle guardian of the lightless lands.
Done in ink & secrets.
Done in ink and secrets.
Darkest night, never ceasing. The eternal, gentle guardian of the lightless lands.
Done in ink & secrets.
Monday, 3 August 2015
Cat Assistant
Either he wants to help or he finds art quite inferior to his need for pettings. I'm leaning towards the latter definitely.
aka. trying to draw something new for the book
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Red things
Blood shenanigans by one of my oldest characters. Relevant to that comic I used to draw. Relevant to the art book thing I’m doing.I might tweak this up for it but now I’m done with Sai crashing with this one.
Done in pencil, ink & Paint Tool Sai
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Drawn in blood
When I draw guro I do it all the way.
I'm drawing again, I mean I finally have time to draw again. I'm making an artbook of the best stuff I've done in the past years and with a few new pieces ^^ Stay tuned for updates!
Also the sparkling catladykiller here is Homer a temporary cat at my humble home. He is amazing, always happy to help me do anything.
... (It's not really blood)
Sunday, 21 June 2015
Lore of Blood
I’ve been doing some mighty fun things recently~ Doing abstract things is so relieving every once in a while…
One can see more of these here~
Sunday, 14 June 2015
New store in Redbubble
Greetings yet again!
Finally, after long and meticulous ponderings and preparings I have opened a new webshop for my prints, and even other, more daring things! In the end settled upon Redbubble, since the posting fees of Finnish post office are so vile no one (abroad) should endure them...
But alas! Enough yammering, here have a look at my brand new shop!
Finally, after long and meticulous ponderings and preparings I have opened a new webshop for my prints, and even other, more daring things! In the end settled upon Redbubble, since the posting fees of Finnish post office are so vile no one (abroad) should endure them...
But alas! Enough yammering, here have a look at my brand new shop!
And a thank you to all who came and said hi at the alley! I had a lovely day, hopefully you all did too!
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Desucon is so soon
I forgot to post a treasure map for Sunday last time, so here is a key to finding our table next weekend!
It's been a while since my last alley so I'm ridiculously excited! Apart from the Alley excitement, I'm hella busy with my (unfortunately non-artistic) summer job and (unfortunately non-artistic) summer courses...
But I'm planning on a new, yet tiny, art book, and resurrecting my old, old comic. I'll keep you posted! Plus I'm trying to re-open my printshoppe as soon as possible too, but I'll probably migrate it to someplace other than Storenvy so it will take a bit... I'll keep you all posted on that too.
ps. I'll be taking preoders until 7 pm on Saturday the 6th! So message me either in tumblr or to haltijakapala [å] gmail . com before that ^^
And here's more prints for Desucon!
This one is unfortunately not as big as I originally dreamed, but a manageable size nonetheless, I hope that in the not-so-distant future I'll have truly big prints of this darling:
But I'm planning on a new, yet tiny, art book, and resurrecting my old, old comic. I'll keep you posted! Plus I'm trying to re-open my printshoppe as soon as possible too, but I'll probably migrate it to someplace other than Storenvy so it will take a bit... I'll keep you all posted on that too.
ps. I'll be taking preoders until 7 pm on Saturday the 6th! So message me either in tumblr or to haltijakapala [å] gmail . com before that ^^
Monday, 25 May 2015
Artists' Alley!
Me and my partner in crime, the lovely Pihlajatar, got a table at the Artists' Alley of Desucon! We will share a table on Sunday the 7th, from 9 am to 4 pm (different artists each day)
If someone sees something they definitely know they want, feel absolutely free to contact me at haltijakapala [å] or my askbox in tumblr, for it will make my alley preparations easier!
There will be more stuff coming up, soon~
Look at all these stickers~
And new prints too, Laughter here is a small print
If someone sees something they definitely know they want, feel absolutely free to contact me at haltijakapala [å] or my askbox in tumblr, for it will make my alley preparations easier!
There will be more stuff coming up, soon~
Monday, 11 May 2015
Trying to redesign Nargwhanal, one of the main characters in That Comic I Used to Draw. A sickly little princeling of the Shindran realm, prone to dizzy spells, bruising for no apparent reason and pains that keep one bedridden for many spans. In the barren, black wasteland that is their realm, such physical weaknesses are not a desirable traits in a direct descendant of the pact with Living Darkness.
Also Nargwhanal is a completely and desperately undrawable bastard. No matter what I do, it never comes out right :’> Plus I need better paper for painting
Saturday, 9 May 2015
I like to take a lot of pictures of trees, and I though I’d share them. I mostly post them on Instagram for some reason, I use the exact same name I do everywhere else xD
Also I am struggling with getting reacquainted with nibs and the fine art of inking with them. When and if I start resurrecting my comic again, it will happen with these bastards. Definitely. And it will hurt
plus a bonus pictuar of my (unfinished) inspiration wall ;>
Sunday, 26 April 2015
Hold on
pencil, ink & Sai; 2015
It is easy to lose your friend in the eternal darkness of the abyssal zone of the oceans. Makes me a bit cold and lonely just looking at this piece now...
This is going to be a print, and a big one if I can help it. This is the biggest thing I've done in years.
ps. I'll send stickers to the one who recognises the sea creatures these darlings are based upon ^^
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Laughter in the Dark
If there is one thing I like about being back it is my paints, brushes, inks, my scanner, tablet and my computer~ Now I’ll slowly scan and post my other sketches, so look forward to that! I had to make Laughter a digitally composed background due to some non-waterproof pens.
And I should probably start sketching characters that are going to show up in less than maybe 200 pages into the story….
Monday, 23 March 2015
That Comic I Used to Draw
I've been drawn back to that old thing like a little bit of iron towards a magnet these past few months. I'm seriously considering resurrecting the poor corpse when I get back home...
And in the mean time, here's a little something to prove that I am in fact not a corpse, yet
This is a creature known by others as Laughter, an ethereal being shrouded in mystery, living outside of the Shindran society as a public secret. Well not alone though, Laughter leads a band of other wilder beings whom are collectively known as Shadow's Laughter, their wild ways are unnerving to those who hold power in the Shindran realms, but occasionally the goals of these opposing forces align and Shadow's Laughter aids the organised society, with a price of course.
Sorry, I started rambling... I need to decide whether or not I should ink it, and if not ink, then what...
And in the mean time, here's a little something to prove that I am in fact not a corpse, yet
This is a creature known by others as Laughter, an ethereal being shrouded in mystery, living outside of the Shindran society as a public secret. Well not alone though, Laughter leads a band of other wilder beings whom are collectively known as Shadow's Laughter, their wild ways are unnerving to those who hold power in the Shindran realms, but occasionally the goals of these opposing forces align and Shadow's Laughter aids the organised society, with a price of course.
Sorry, I started rambling... I need to decide whether or not I should ink it, and if not ink, then what...
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