Monday 21 October 2024

Page 103 and news about an upcoming art market!


Sun rises again in Hojuk and we're back with Adal! I'm sorry the page is a few days late, I got sick last week and I wasn't able to work on this page x( But now it's done and I'm trying my hardest to get the next page to you too before the end of the month! Might not make it tho...

Anyways, read the page in Tapas and Webtoons, as always!

BUT There's an art market in Kalasataman Vapaakaupunki, located in the Redi shopping centre 1.11. and I will be attending it with my friend Chika! Come say hi to us if you're able! I'll have something new for there too, so keep your eyes open for that too >:3c

Monday 30 September 2024

102nd page~!

Page 102! In which we have Maive sneaking about in a dark house but with a lot of company~ 

Read it in the usual spots Tapas and Webtoons!

 Once again I made it at the nick of time ;;;; But I can explain! I was not at home for the better part of this end of the month, taking care of a cat, so I didn't have quite so much time for doing this comic (which is rather messy and equipment heavy, thus not easily transportable) as I usually do... BUT I managed to get something else done while I was cat sitting away :D And soon you will see what it is >:D

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Progress is Progressing. . . . .

 Making slow but steady progress with the next page... I hope to have it done in time, wish me luck xD AGAIN! On a side note I've been taking care of a little cat lady and staying away from home, where I can't work on this comic (hence the slow progress), BUT I have managed to draw almost all of the popularity poll pictures, I don't think I have ever been this early with them xD hope to get the last one done soon too so I can finally announce the winners and the winner of the raffle too UwU

Monday 16 September 2024

Page 101


And so, we're back in Hojuk, back with Adal and especially with Maive, who is having a bit of a bad time >:3c I've been dying to draw these next pages for so long! I get to draw Maive's mask slipping so rarely after all.... Anyways read the new page in the usual spots, Tapas and Webtoons!

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Thank you Tracon!

 Oh wow what an amazing weekend we had! thank you so much to everyone who visited our table and my apologies to all who I wasn't able to chat with as much as I would've liked! It was hectic! so many exclamation marks xD

 Anyway, now that my double weekends of events are over I updated my Ko-Fi shop with everything I still have left in stock. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I sold out quite a lot of stuff during these past few weeks, so not everything will appear on the shoppe. I will probably restock some of the items at a later date, but as I have no confirmed events in the horizon, it might take a while.... I'm sorry :'(

And also the full double page spread is also available as a supporter only post, just a little reminder :D Thank you for your all your support and I will get back to painting the next page, it is almost done!

Monday 2 September 2024

Thank you Helsinki Comics Festival, next up Tracon!

Thank you everyone who visited my table at the Helsinki comics Festival last weekend! I had such a blast talking to everyone! It really makes my day every time someone regocnises my comic :''')

 If you were unable to attend Helsinki Comics Festival, fear not, for I share a table with my friend Rikkisu at Tracon's Art Path tent on Sunday this weekend! We're in table number 1, and on top of everything, the Art Path is free to enter! No Tracon ticket necessary :3

Friday 30 August 2024

Double update, triple digits!


I made it!!! On schedule (barely) and finally onto triple digits! I am so happy to have made this milestone. Now I shall endeavour to not take as much time to see number 200 >:3c

Read in the usual places: Tapas & Webtoons!

Unfortunately neither Tapas nor Webtoons will not allow for full page spreads, so I was forced to split the page in two... IF you want to see it in higher resolution and in full, I posted it to my Ko-fi for my supporters UwU

If you feel so inclined I would be very grateful for your support!