Monday 31 January 2022

55th page!

 What a nice round number, only a few left until 60...

3rd chapter begins officially~ Read it in either Webtoons or Tapas, as usual!

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Chapter 3 approaches~


 1st page of chapter 3 almost done! This is going to be a longer one, with all sorts of fun in store for our characters! I also have a hard time believing we’re only at the beginning of the second day of the story :”D

Tuesday 4 January 2022

Art Year 2021


Time for my traditional Year in Art review now that the year has indeed changed, topped with the most official of New Year's Greetings from our dearly beloved Peace messenger Homer!

2021 was not a great year artwise, or any other wise either, and looks like 2022 is starting off with a good downward slide too, but... onward said the granny in snow as we say :'D I'm going to try my best to keep going with the comic and other side projects this year too. I hope we all have a somewhat nice year, given the circumstances <3