Monday 21 October 2024

Page 103 and news about an upcoming art market!


Sun rises again in Hojuk and we're back with Adal! I'm sorry the page is a few days late, I got sick last week and I wasn't able to work on this page x( But now it's done and I'm trying my hardest to get the next page to you too before the end of the month! Might not make it tho...

Anyways, read the page in Tapas and Webtoons, as always!

BUT There's an art market in Kalasataman Vapaakaupunki, located in the Redi shopping centre 1.11. and I will be attending it with my friend Chika! Come say hi to us if you're able! I'll have something new for there too, so keep your eyes open for that too >:3c