Thursday 3 September 2020

Zine Fest and life not giving me a break


Hello! Sorry for the long silence, life keeps throwing stuff my way that I have to take care of, thus the next page of Avarnight is also late. I'm sorry!

BUT: Sarjakuvafestivaalit & Zine Fest is this weekend, this year online! The catalogue for the fest is out! Please check it out to see all the amazing stuff people have submitted to the fest ^^
I also continue to be utterly cursed as always, the name of my comic is typoed (that was probably me) and the text is a huge mush (lol). And some poor soul's zine has been put under my name xD I'm sure everyone who follows me can tell which of the zines is not mine. I feel bad for this, but mistakes happen :''') I'm sorry whoever you are, I'm sure no one wants to be mistakenly identified as me xDDDD
I'll keep you updated with the links to my stuff as they are released, but in the meantime enjoy this catalogue to the fullest ^^

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