Monday 5 November 2018

Return of Shiranui!

I had to skip two sessions of Rogue Trader due to working too much, and we collectively decided Shiranui, my eldar corsair, spent the time celebrating Khaine’s birthday (or maybe even his Nimipäivä). This consisted of a week of carousing, space drug abusing, mayhaps a few human sacrifices and a general lack of pants on part of all participants.
Afterwards he went and saved a fellow pirate (human) from that cute dog that everyone remembers, which turned out to be a demonspawn of Nurgle, while nursing a hangover to end all hangovers. I seriously sad about that, I really wanted that dog, and by me I mean Shiranui :'(

Shira got a spes norovirus from his troubles, but the saved pirate pal got a case of singing boils, so things could be worse 🖤 the doodle is silly, but I was so happy to finally play I wanted to share 🖤

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